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Christian Booklet

Kyrra S D

official author site 

Book of Daily Communion

spring forth with scriptures

journey with

the father, son & holy spirit

Books & thoughts ...

Old Study
Laptop & Coffee
Cushions on the Sofa

The Author 


Keep it simple …
That is indeed a difficult lesson that I struggle with daily with an addiction to my nature to be perfect.

This is Kyrra and welcome to the author site of "Book of Daily Communion, spring forth with scriptures, journey with The Father, Son & Holy Spirit".

This precious book was published within 2 months, sometime in July 2016. A magical gift from my heavenly father, as I embarked on a religious journey seeking answers on the nature of my existence and my creator. The parting of the red sea in January that year, baptism in March the same year and the miraculous manifestation of this book via the holy spirit. God speaks to us if we are attune to him. Yes, even to ordinary people like you and me. 


Neale Donald Walsch, wrote about his conversations with God in a series of publications. 
On movement he says, "To not move is to die. All of life is motion. Even rocks are filled with motion. Everything moves. Everything. There is nothing that is not in motion. Be open. Don’t close off the possibility of new truth because you have been comfortable with an old one. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Pay attention to every hunch you have, every feeling you feel, every intuitive that hits you, experience them. Pay attention. Observe".

Having said that, my plan now is to bask in the richness of  God experiences, his mercy, grace and periodically, his overwhelming love, before embarking into my next writing adventure. Thus since 2016, I have been moving, against the forces of currents, yet at every season, gathering wisdom that comes by leaning towards God and closer to his scriptures and being attune to his voice and the holy spirit. In return, finding peace in the midst of  chaos.

As earth is our temporary dwelling, I momentarily live in Singapore, with my precarious daughter who has completed her 3yrs Bible college, her Bachelors  in Counselling and recently  beginning a new season to attain her Masters in Counselling. 
Believing in prayers and well wishes, I thus move towards the manifestation of my next publication, and all in his time. 

Psalm 100:2-5
Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Love & Shalom
8th Oct 2023 







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Kyrra S D 

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Book of Daily Communion

spring forth with scriptures

journey with the father, son & holy spirit


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