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Book of Daily Communion, spring forth with scriptures, journey with The Father, Son & Holy Spirit, readersessence
readersessence, Book of Daily Communion
Book of Daily Communion
spring forth with scriptures
journey with
The Father, Son & Holy Spirit

My creative work that started as a objet dárt manifested itself as a catalyst for change. This is my Cindrella story. The gift of the Holy Spirit that worked in supernatural ways towards the completion of this miracle. Within a matter of truth that miracles are possible. I pray that this book is the beginning of many possibilities of extraordinary gifts in your life. With an adamant faith in a Living God, there is transformation and there is renewal of life. Step out in faith with your sight on Christ Jesus ... even you if don't see him! 

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Do you recognize your soul?  We all have one. We were created with one. Yet, we often forget its purpose. We lean on everything else that is created in this world but forget the worth of our soul. As it may be a surprise to some of us, yes, we were created with a soul purpose. Created by a Living God, within the proprietorship of his Spirit, our personification of flesh & soul. The flesh decays, soul dies, nevertheless the immortal spirit lives on. We belong to our creator and are given a freedom to life on earth. A freedom to live among others. Our depth of living depends on the level of our bond in purpose with others. This is about the revival in recognition of our soul purpose and this only happens if we have a covenant with our creator. Without the realization of our purpose in our creator and in recognition of whom we belong to in true nature, we live life on the surface. We live life that is only joyous within the material level.


My wholesome life journey is about discovering the joys of nature at the material level, awakening my soul towards the nature to bond among the brotherhood of humanity, in serenity. Ultimately, finding eternal bliss at a spiritual level. I want to be complete. I need to find my purpose and I could only find it in my creator, in his image. This is not about war. This is about Peace Shalom...

May peace be with you ... 


Book no.2
Book no.1
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